Award-winning writer, composer, performer and man with website.

Dogs of War

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A NEW SOLO SHOW BY FIONN FOLEY. performed by clodagh mooney duggan

A Bewley’s Café Theatre production performed in Saint Stephens’ Green from the 30th June- July 7, 2021 as part of the Bewley’s Walkabout series.

Having been ousted from her throne at the helm of the country’s eminent stock photography agency, she finds herself having to start all over again," the play's synopsis explains. "Judy sets up Absolute Pup– an ‘elite dog walking agency’. Now, with an army of only the most sophisticated canine comrades, she will rebuild her empire and exact the revenge she so deeply craves. A hilarious new play about leaving the rat race to join the dog fight.

Written by Fionn Foley

Starring Clodagh Duggan Mooney

Directed by Jeda de Brí